My Generation presents Radio Sutch *** The R&B Roots of Screaming Lord Sutch and His Savages *** Matthew Fisher [Procol Harum, Downliners Sect], Peter Parks [Deep Purple off-shoot The Good Old Boys; Fandango & Warhorse feat. Nick Simper], The Others, Otis Blackwell *** Sunday 02 & Tuesday 04 January 2022 *** [Ed’s Show, 2022-01]

NEW SHOW: Screaming Lord Sutch Savages & His Savages Specials with Matthew Fisher [Downliners Sect, Procol Harum], Peter Parks [Deep Purple off-shoot The Good Old Boys, Fandango fat. Nick Simper, Warhorse fat. Nick Simper], The Others, Otis Blackwell *** REPEATED *** The Foundations [new release], The Monkees, Ian A. Anderson [new release], Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels, Madeline Bell, Oscar Benton *** Sunday 02 January 2022 + Tuesday 04 January, 12:00 noon till 24:00 *** Time: CET Brussels *** Ed’s Show, 2022-01 [Savage Tree nos. 18 and 19 – 2015] ***
RADIO 68: all the revolutionary sounds and voices that shaped the sixties ***
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Showtime CETime Brussels
- 12.00 Screaming Lord Sutch Specials 18 & 20
- 14.00 Foundations, Monkees, Ian A.