Art Rock Show – 4.Wymiar – 4th Dimension (Week 6)

Progressieve rock is een internationale zaak geworden en de band ProAge uit Polen is daar een goed voorbeeld van. De groep werd in 1985 opgericht en wat later ontbonden, kende in 2008 een nieuwe start en onderging vijf jaar geleden een grote bezettingswissel.

Prog Archives review: ” Three albums are coming out including this next “4th dimension” from January 1st. Soundings of metal, rock, pop, a little new-wave, art-rock in fact where the progressive wanderings arrive without omen, a mixture of FM, climatic and spatial titles. An album rather complicated to read but strewn with unforgettable and intense moments; tunes so varied that I cannot provide you with a particular musical genre. (…)

PROAGE, do not forget them just for this masterpiece coming from elsewhere out of time, PROAGE or the uncompromising sound with the omnipresent synth of Krzysztof, the expressive voice of Mariusz, a wandering in the 4th dimension speaking of the bad moment of time through the tasting of a cup of tea; singular harmonies that can start with the progressive of the 70’s, the revival of the 80’s and 90’s, heavy riffs as well as acoustic passages; a record that struck me with this daring fusion of various sounds.”

Naast ProAge met 4.Wymiar, Disperse (Living Mirrors); Wojciech Ciuraj (Dwa Zywioly), Great Wide Nothing (The View From Olympus), Esthesis (The Awakening), Millenium (In Search of the Perfect Melody), Quidam (Alone Together) & Abraxas (Centurie).

  • Thursday/Donderdag 12.00 – 24.00
  • Friday/Vrijdag 12.00 – 24.00
  • Saturday/Zaterdag 12.00 – 24.00


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