Art Rock Show – Carnaval De Las Victimas (Week 24)

Alejandro Matos is een Argentijns componist en multi-instrumentalist, met gitaar als zijn belangrijkste instrument. Al vanaf zijn vroege jeugd is hij zeer bewogen en geïntrigeerd door muziek. Carnaval de las Victimas is zijn zesde soloplaat.
Prog Archives review: “In the one hundredth month after his previous release, the superb La Potestad, the multi-instrumentalist Alejandro Matos, hailing from Argentina, comes with a new offering: Carnaval de las Victimas. On this album, he does almost everything on this own, assisted by a drummer and a few guest musicians appearing on a single track. (…)
The album opens with Bautismo de Vidrio, starting with some piano notes before the song kicks in. It is a melodic track with an acoustic section in the middle of the track. Hereafter comes “Un Million de Muscas”, a rather quirky track, mostly in 7/4. Crisis de Alegria is a short intro to Terror a los Despertares, which features a background of buzzing guitar sounds in the first section of the song.
These tracks, already excellent on their own, are the warming-up for the next ones. Los Alienados, clocking out a few seconds before the 11-minute mark, is the longest track on the album, and one of my favourite tracks from recent years. It starts with some spoken words before kicking in with time signature changes, alternating 13/8 and 4/4. The acoustic section in the second half is a highly enjoyable listen to my ears. (…)
Carnaval de las Victimas is a rock solid album, well worth the three years it took in the making. It maintains the level of its two predecessors, Freak and La Potestad. Clocking out at 53 minutes and a half, it is somewhat shorter and there are no epics this time. The vocal performance is good throughout the album. This album is, from a textual as well as from a musical point of view, somewhat easier to get into than its predecessors, but the potential to grow on you is not less. I think the 5-star rating fits this album best.”
Naast Alejandro Matos (Carnaval De Las Victimas), Contemporary Dead Finnish Music Ensemble (Dark Matters), Osta Love (Good Morning Dystopia), Yuka & Chronoship (Ship), Birds and Buildings (Bantam to Behemoth) & Anekdoten (Waking the Dead, Live in Japan 2005).
- Thursday/Donderdag 12.00 – 24.00
- Friday/Vrijdag 12.00 – 24.00
- Saturday/Zaterdag 12.00 – 24.00
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