Art Rock Show – Instinto (Week 6)

De Mexicaanse band Ekos werd in 2008 opgericht als coverband van groepen als Pink Floyd, Dream Theater en Porcupine Tree. In 2010 werd een stabiele line-up bereikt, begonnen ze hun eigen muziek te componeren en publiceerden hun debuut in 2012. In januari brachten ze hun derde album uit, wat we met veel plezier aan u voorstellen.
Prog Archives review: “They did it yet again and this time reinventing their sound. Ekos has woven a sonic tapestry filled with various styles that produced a cohesive album whose sound is paradoxically hard to pin down. They sound better than ever studio wise, the keyboards are on a whole new level and Jesus’s voice sounds so ethereal it’s heart breaking.
Every track is meticulously crafted, showing the bands prowess without being unnecessarily technical. We can hear how good they play their instruments but that’s not what they’re here for. They want to play their music and take us on a journey. Carlo’s drums are tight and rhythmical, Vic’s bass has never sounded so powerful and Jesus’s guitar is still mesmerizing, melancholic. Like I said, Ana’s keyboard playing is just outstanding and her arsenal of sounds has expanded even more. One needs only listen to “Creando vacos” and “En-contraste” to appreciate the size of the spectrum their new sound covers.
I’ve given the album two spins and I know I need a few more to appreciate what they’ve done and understand the departure from the purely prog rock sound to their own sound. The “Eko’s sound”. But my God is it a happy departure because I can’t wait to hear more of this new Eko’s sound. It’s really, really good.”
Naast Ekos met Instinto hebben we deze week: Cabezas de cera (Metalmúsica – Aleaciones aleatorias), Meliora (Viaje Holístico), Anima Tempo (Caged in Memories), Sonus Umbra (Spiritual Vertigo) & Cast (Originallis).
Thursday/Donderdag 12.00 – 24.00
Friday/Vrijdag 12.00 – 24.00
Saturday/Zaterdag 12.00 – 18.00
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