Art Rock Show – Magick Brother & Mystic Sister – Tarot Part I (Week 37)

Het tweede album van het Spaanse combo, geleid door Eva Muntada en Xavi Sandoval, en dat zijn naam ontleent aan een oud Gong-nummer, komt meer dan 3 jaar na een eerste gelijknamige titel van grote klasse. Hun muziek wordt gevormd door een mooie mix van Gong, Soft Machine, Pink Floyd en een forse greep onvergelijkbare charme.
Prog Archives review: ” It also seems they went through a lineup change, with a new drummer and flautist Maya Fernandez listed now as a guest. Eva Muntada and Xavi Sandoval are still there. It’s 2024 and their second album Tarot Part I is nothing short of a masterpiece! They pretty much dropped much of the Canterbury leanings of their debut for a much more psych album (but the prog elements are still there).
It’s not as jazzy as their debut either. But that doesn’t matter, what they did is take that psych and prog sound to the next level, with a more pastoral and frequently spacy approach than before. Tarot Part I is simply some of the finest modern-day psych music I have ever heard! I could even imagine those who grew up in the 1960s appreciating this. (…)
I hope the second installment isn’t too far away. If the material on this first installment is anything to go by, I hope Tarot Part II is just as mind-blowing. They really perfected that wonderful psych sound I’ve been looking for. There really isn’t anything to find fault of the album. I simply had to point out the Canterbury style was toned down quite a bit, but that doesn’t matter when the music is this good! I really think this is a true masterpiece that everyone should check out!”
Naast Magick Brother & Mystic Sister (Tarot Part I), Mice on Stilts (I Am Proud of You), Caligonaut (Magnified as Giants), Lucy in Blue (In Flight), Mt. Mountain (Golden Rise), Solar Corona (Saint-Jean-De-Luz) & My Brother the Wind (Live at Roadburn 2013).
- Thursday/Donderdag 12.00 – 24.00
- Friday/Vrijdag 12.00 – 24.00
- Saturday/Zaterdag 12.00 – 24.00
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