Art Rock Show – Welcome to the Planet (Week 8)

Een goed zes maanden na het uitkomen van het laatste album Common Ground, is er weer een nieuw studio album van Big Big Train (BBT), het veertiende. En de progressieve rockband van het VK heeft weer een pracht plaat afgeleverd.
The Afterword review: “Welcome To The Planet is the band’s 14th album in their 28 year recording history. It is the 9th since David Longdon and drummer Nick D’Virgilio joined, in 2009, and helped to turn the fortunes of the band on its head. Plaudits and awards, both for their albums and their live shows, have pushed them into the mainstream album charts – and there is no doubt that this one will follow.
The album opens with a ray of sunshine, as close to a pop song as BBT may ever come, and it’s a joy. Made From Sunshine is a great way to open the album and it sets the tone for an album of optimism and fond reflection. (…)
There are two instrumental tracks on the album, both of which show the musicians at their best. Nick D’Virgilio’s Bats In The Belfry features that brass section and would be a brilliant live track. Guitarist Rikard Sjoblom’s instrumental song is A Room With No Ceiling, a brilliant, jazzy track which showcases Greg’s terrific bass playing, as well as the band’s cohesive sound.
Oak and Stone is a beautiful piece which features David Longdon’s wonderful voice and could easily have closed the album. Except that BBT have been there, done that with previous albums, i.e: close with the quiet, tender song. It fits beautifully ahead of the album’s title track. (…)
This album, the band’s second during Lockdown, is a triumph, and yet another in their run of outstanding albums of the past twelve years. In fact, it is one of their best.
The writing has been spread around the band, which means that influences and directions come flying at you, but not at the cost of quality. It’s a cracker.”
Naast Big Big Train met Welcome to the Planet, Sylvan (One to Zero), Arena (The Visitor), Cosmograf (The Man Left in Space), Knight Area (Realm of Shadows) & RPWL (God Has Failed – Live & Personal).
- Thursday/Donderdag 12.00 – 24.00
- Friday/Vrijdag 12.00 – 24.00
- Saturday/Zaterdag 12.00 – 24.00
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