Rock On! Wednesday, 20 March 2024 – Bröselmaschine, Hoelderlin, Wallenstein, Emtidi, Sperrmüll & Rufus Zuphall

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday february 21st. Dan’s pick of the week: Bröselmaschine (Bröselmaschine), Hoelderlin (Hoelderlin), Wallenstein (Mother Universe), Emtidi (Saat), Sperrmüll (Sperrmüll) & Rufus Zuphall (Phallobst).
De Bröselmaschine is voortgekomen uit de folkband Les Autres, opgericht in 1966. De naam van de band komt van een cannabisverpletterapparaat en het geluid van een motorfiets die toebehoorde aan een vriend van bandlid Jenni Schücker. De bandleden woonden in een gemeente in Duisburg en behoorden eind jaren zestig tot de eerste Duitse rockbands. De eerste line-up bestond uit Peter Bursch , Willi Kissmer, Lutz Ringer, Jenni Schücker, Michael Hellbach.
Prog Archives review: “I stumbled upon Bröselmaschine by chance when watching some WDR video footage of old German rock bands from the famous “Krautrock” scene. I knew nothing about them but I caught the glimpse of certain “mystique” of their apparently psychedelic folk music. (…)
But, when you discover something completely unknown to you, something you have not heard or read about, you get a pretty different sensation. How on earth this piece of amazing music was not widely known, better appreciated or simply more popular? What went wrong with them?
Nothing I guess. Bröselmaschine’s self-titled LP just happened in space and time because five seemingly modest and talented people gathered together and made some interesting, amazing music. Just once, never to repeat it again (OK, I don’t count later incarnations of the band without lovely Jenni Schucker on vocals and flute). And that is pure art! Without calculation, without planning, not caring about production, technology, promotion or marketing, or even money.
This album is so simple in its approach to music recording and yet so rich in its spiritual and artistic values. Acoustic acid-folk enriched with Anglo-Celtic and Indian crumbs (broesel in German!) makes one of the most pleasant and soothing albums I ever heard. Got it?”
Wednesday, 20 March 2024 12:00 noon CET Brussels – 11 a.m. GMT London. Repeated: 16:00 & 20:00 hrs CET Brussels, 3 p.m. & 7 p.m. GMT London
Ends: 12 midnight CET Brussels, 11 p.m. GMT London.
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