Rock On! Wednesday, August 9, 2023 – Perigeo, Buon Vecchio Charlie, Bauhaus, Arti & Mestieri, Latte E Miele & Capitolo 6

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday January 25th. Dan’s pick of the week: Perigeo (Genealogia), Buon Vecchio Charlie, Bauhaus (Stairway to Escher), Arti & Mestieri (Giro Di Valzer per Domani), Latte E Miele (Aquile E Scoiattoli) & Capitolo 6 (Frutti per Kagua).
Perigeo is een Italiaanse progressieve rockgroep die in de jaren 1970 een aantal albums uitbracht voor RCA Italiana. Verscheidene van de leden vervolgden hun lange carrière in de jazz.
Prog Archives review: ” My nostalgic celebration of 1974 continues and the Italian “Perigeo” became the fortuness band this time. They started their carreer 1971 and played jazz rock during the years 1972-1981 and released eight studio records. “Genealogia” is their mostly and highest ranked album which of course not necessarily means it’s the best. We’ll let that be unsaid. It was their third release and the cover is insipid but the content is the opposite. Bruno Biriaco is the band’s drummer, Franco D’Andrea the pianist, Claudio Fasoli the saxophonist, Tony Sidney the guitarist and Giovanni Tommaso the bassist, moogist and vocalist.
The vocals of Perigeo are wordless and do only occur on a couple of tracks but then they are lovely as well as the music here as a whole. I would say Perigeo plays an inspired and innovative jazz rock with lovely musical patterns of saxophone themes. The pervading atmosphere is a bit withdrawn, I would say a perfect balance between too much and too little. Still fourty years after this album has a capacity of bringing something new and fresh to us and I would absolutely recommend it. The best tracks according to me are: “Sidney’s call” with a great drum solo(10/10) and “Via beato angelico”(10/10). The starter “Genealogia” is almost as good and also the record’s longest song(9/10). Almost every other song is in the category very good and only a couple just good. Over all, then, this album contains the majority of things you need to be satisfied with a record.”
Wednesday, August 9, 12:00 noon CET Brussels – 11 a.m. GMT London. Repeated: 16:00 & 20:00 hrs CET Brussels, 3 p.m. & 7 p.m. GMT London
Ends: 12 midnight CET Brussels, 11 p.m. GMT London.
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