Art Rock Show – Take a Closer Look (Week 49)

Deze week brengen we Osiris, een van Bahrein’s meest populaire bands in de jaren tachtig. De laatste plaat dateert ook al weer van tien jaar geleden. Prog Archives review: “This is probably more of a straightforward neo/symphonic album than those released during their halcyon days, but what might be lacking in the ethnicity department is more than compensated by their fervor for the prog rock that is as much a part of who they are. Cautiously I want to say that this sounds like it could have appeared after “Myths and Legends”, but that would be minimizing the impact of the last 30 years of prog revival. So, while comparisons to CAMEL, ELOY, FM, SAGA and even KANSAS still resonate, I also hear kinship with the grandchildren of that generation like CLEPSYDRA and TEMPUS FUGIT.… Read more...