Art Rock Show – Crime Scene (Week 18)

RPWL is een Duitse progressieve rockband uit Freising, Beieren. In 1997 krijgt de band haar definitieve naam en speelt ze in eerste instantie muziek van hun voorbeeld Pink Floyd. De naam van de band is gevormd uit de beginletters van de achternamen van de musici Phil Paul Rissettio, Chris Postl, Karlheinz Wallner en Yogi Lang.
Connor Shelton van The Prog Report: “RPWL have a long history of creating concept albums that dive deep into the way humans interact with certain ideas. They practically made a name for themselves as the little engine that could, a Pink Floyd cover band who started writing their own original music. Those early albums didn’t aim for profundity but starting with 2012’s ‘Beyond Man and Time,’ they began to rival their idols in terms of lyrical depth.… Read more...